Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Folktales #2

We made up some more folktales.

Why is Snow Hot?
A long time ago. Snow was hot. People would throw popcorn kernels at it to pop it. However, if you touched the snow, you would burn up. One day, somebody used a mitten and picked it up. It turned cold. And then a stop sign did some stuff and the snow all turned cold (SORRY I FORGOT)
Image result for popcorn kernels
Why are White Houses with Green Roofs the Best?
There once was a thing-a-ma-mob. He always looked at Red House with Black Roof (RHBR) and thought i would love to be a RHBR. One day White House with Green Roof (WHGR) came. WHGR said to RHBR, you're an idiot! I CHALLENGE YOU TO A SPELLING BEE! Thing-a-ma-bob (TAMB) hosted it. He said spell DUH! RHBR was like 2husd9 AND WHGR was like DUH! TAMB SAID, NO IT'S DUHH! THEN THEY HAD A DANCE OFF AND WHGR WON AND TAMB FELL IN LOVE!
Image result for white house with green roof
There were more but I'm too lazy to write

1 comment:

  1. That house pic looks just like the original house... creeeepy.
